Ordering is simple and all transactions are handled with industry-standard SSL encryption and confidentiality.
At any time, you can click the "Shopping Bag" button to revise quantities or remove items from your cart. When finished shopping, click the "Check Out" button on your order page. You will then proceed to a secure page where you will be requested to type in your name, address, and billing information. If you have a coupon, enter the coupon code in the coupon/promotion box near the bottom of the page. Only one coupon code can be applied per order.
We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and PayPal. We do not accept personal checks, money orders or cashiers checks. We also do not ship COD.

If you use a credit card, the billing address you enter into your shopping cart must match billing address shown on your credit card statement. If this does not match, your order will be delayed until we can contact you and obtain the correct address.